Channel: Jaded Optimist
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Vote Pleading, and the other kids


So I entered those three pairs of shorts into an online shorts sewing contest and the “viewers choice” award is based on how many people “heart” the entries. So if anyone would like to vote for my shorts (Sunny Day Cargos, Rainbow Ikat shorts, or Fierce Shorts) you can access the entries at http://www.kollabora.com/projects/shorts-line. However, I think you will have to register at the site (although they don’t seem to send many emails).


Baby C got a post to herself, but in the interest of falling less behind, I am cramming the two older girls in here…

The new deck involved dumping a big layer of gravel on the ground. C spent some time sorting through all the gravel and managed to make a rainbow out of what seemed a sea of gray.


For a neighborhood party the girls baked cookies (almost) all by themselves. They were pretty proud.


M is getting the hang of her roller skates.


M also had her first piano recital and did pretty well. She had to unexpectedly introduce herself and played two songs (I do kind of wish the teacher had let me duet with M instead of the teacher herself…the duet didn’t go as well).




If you’ve got wings, why not use them?



For M’s kindergarten graduation the teacher wrote a poem describing each kid and read it to everyone. Guess who is an outgoing, creative, curious, good friend?


Last day of school….M showing off the current trend of attaching key chain charms to your backpack. You don’t want to be near her if she swings around quickly.



A naturalist at the beach found a moon snail for us to hold when we were there for low tide.


The kids have been doing camps, but I don’t have a lot of pictures from them. M did a drama camp—her character was Elsa 2 and she had to do an evil laugh. M has a frighteningly good evil laugh.



That same week poor C had major oral surgery—two baby bicuspids removed, the permanent bicuspids still in the gum removed, and then they tunneled under the gum to apply braces to her permanent incisors which haven’t come in yet. It all went fairly well, although C seems to be strongly affected by anesthesia and took a lot of extra time to wake up. And then burst into tears in the car because she couldn’t feel her top lip. I assured her it was still there and she said “I guess I will have to take your word for it.” She was pretty excited about 2 days of jello and milkshakes.

Fourth of July is serious business around these parts. Decorated bike and scooter, parading and tossing out candy, and neighborhood party with fireworks.



My attempts to get more interesting photos don’t always succeed. Or, I say Jump! and they say How High!



C did a girls math camp at a nature preserve..but somehow all I have is a picture of M with the huge pinecones.



Finally, the local Barnes and Noble had a Frozen day with related activities. We were all disappointed that “chillin with Olaf” was not attended by Olaf, but Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff were OK I guess.



Then this weekend we were driving to a wedding and M shouted “Anna and Elsa are in the car next to us”. We turned, and indeed these same actors? imitators? were in the car—must have been on their way to an event. The girls were pretty excited even though they knew it was just people dressed up…M was interested to see that Anna drives, and C for some reason carefully memorized their license plate.

Phew. All for now.

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