Channel: Jaded Optimist
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M is doing soccer again, with G coaching. She likes to play midfielder.


Faux pumpkin patch photos. Children would not cooperate very much.


Baby C just wants to run towards the camera.

First lost tooth! (Er, he one on the bottom. The top is just a gap.)


Actual pumpkin patch, during 10 minutes of not raining.


We got the house painted, and two interior rooms (new one for C, and M and soon to be baby C’s room) as well.

Big C turned 11(!!) and is getting her own room this year, so the birthday party was scaled back from previous years. Also, last year’s slumber party took about 5 years off my life, so… Good thing we didn’t do the slumber party this year actually, as an hour or so after the last guest left we lost power for about 18 hours. A bunch of 10 and 11 years olds in the dark…that would have been some scary stuff. Instead, this year we had a company that rents bunnies come in. There was even a mom bunny with her babies! C and I have been reading Watership Down and she tried to find character equivalents in all the bunnies. This was the perfect age as the girls sat in a circle for over an hour (Me: I thought the contract was for an hour? Bunny Handler: We just say that in case things go badly) cooing over the bunnies yet were old enough to (mostly) handle them with care.


Baby C was there and alternately fascinated with and terrified by the bunnies.

For food and favors we of course kept with the theme: bunny ice cream cake, carrot cupcakes (all purchased) and a “warren” of bunny stuffed animals to choose from.


Halloween! I had purchased a bunch of materials to surprise M with an Elsa (Frozen, much?) costume only to discover that her best friend was going to be Elsa and M was assigned to be Anna. So another trip to the fabric store it was. This costume cost me a lot of late nights but came out pretty well. I did cop out and just iron on the flower applique, so not sure how long those will last.


We saw a lot of store bought Anna’s but that cape is hard to top!

The other girls were environmental this year, reusing previous costumes: big C switched from Aphrodite last year to Athena this year. Baby C was a lion, as were her big sisters before her.


Ready to trick or treat! The rain nicely stopped for about 3 hours right around trick or treat time as well.


Only one sour note in October I can think of, and that is the car that came crashing through our rear fence on Oct. 30. Nothing like an incredibly loud noise at 9 pm in the pitch dark and then seeing taillights in the yard! The high school boys who were in the car claim to have turned onto the road, fishtailed, and lost control of the car, sending them into a tailspin, turning 180 degrees and then the rear of the car over the curb and through our fence. However, that turn should have been from a stop sign—given that they knocked over an 8 foot arbor vitae, cracked through 6”x6” wooden posts holding up the fence, hit the fence hard enough to send wood all the way onto our deck, and broke their rear axle…I am estimating they must have been going at least 40 mph. They both seemed OK but quite a shock for sure.

From the perspective of our house.


From the perspective of the street.


Fencing that made it down to our deck (near the table) and how close it was to the house.


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